How to sign up to a paid plan

Step 1: Open the Hot Desk app in Slack and click the "Sign up" button.

Image of the home screen in Hot Desk for Slack showing the sign up button

Step 2: Select the currency you would like to pay with.

Image of the currency input for the sign up flow in Hot Desk for Slack

Step 3: Click the "Pay now" button. A browser window will open and take you to our payment provider.

Image of the pay now button in Hot Desk app

Step 4: Complete your payment details and click the "I'm purchasing as a business" checkbox

Image of partially completed payment details with business details highlighted

Step 5: Complete your business name and tax ID then click the "Subscribe" button.

Image of completed payment form with subscribe button highlighted

Done! You can close the browser tab and return to Slack.

Image of the payment success screen

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