Recurring desk booking made for hybrid work


294 words, a 2 minute read

Does your organisation have a mandated number of days to be in per week or month? Do you have recurring meetings that you need to keep remembering to book? From today these bookings can be made automatically in Hot Desk with a working routine, enabling you and your team to save time.

Recurring desk booking

If you regularly go into the office you can set up Hot Desk to match your schedule. You could go in on the same days each week, or alternate between going into the office Monday and Tuesday one week and Wednesday and Thursday the following week.

Hot Desk also supports employees that live further from the office to create monthly recurring schedules.

If the office space has numbered desks enabled a preferred desk can be set, if the desk isn't available at the time of booking Hot Desk will send a message to the employee allowing them to select an alternative.

Recurring meeting room booking

Routine meetings with team members or role based sync meetings can now be booked automatically so you know you'll have the space available to effectively collaborate. If a meeting room isn't available Hot Desk will send a message to the organiser letting them know.

Avoid blocking office capacity

To avoid desks and meeting rooms being booked too far in advance Hot Desk makes bookings for recurring schedules for the current and following month. So if an event is being planned for May which requires all the desks in an area or a meeting room to be booked the resources will be available until the end of March.

Set up a working routine

Head over to the support page for detailed instructions to set up recurring desk and meeting room bookings in Hot Desk.

Get started with hybrid work

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