How to create your first space

Step 1: Open the Hot Desk app in Slack and click the "Create space" button.

Image of the welcome screen in Hot Desk for Slack with the create space button highlighted

Step 2: Choose the type of space you want to create. In this example we will create a desk space, select "Desks" from the dropdown, and the "No" option to indicate there are no desk numbers, then click "Next".

Image of the create space form with the 'Desks' option highlighted in Hot Desk for Slack

Step 3: Enter the name, location, and capacity of the space. The capacity will determine how many people are allowed to be booked in a single day.

Image of create desks space form in Hot Desk app

Step 4: Select if you want to allow guests to be booked.

Creating your first desks space and selecting guest booking to be disabled

Step 5 (optional): Enter the names of users you want to be able to use the space. If you want everyone to use the space skip this step.

Image of permitted users dropdown in Hot Desk app

Step 6: Click "Create".

Image of create button in Hot Desk app

Done! You should see the space you created and can book in.

Image of the welcome screen in Hot Desk app

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