How to remove Hot Desk admin permissions from a user

All Slack admins are automatically Hot Desk admins, however they won't appear in the list of admins within Hot Desk.

Step 1: Open the Hot Desk app within Slack.

Hot Desk app home page within Slack

Step 2: Click "Manage admins".

Hot Desk app with pointer on button to manage admin users

Step 3: Find the user in the list and click the "Remove" button next to their name. If the user isn't in the list they may be a Slack admin, learn how to identify Slack admins here. All Slack admins are automatically Hot Desk admins and cannot be removed.

Manage admin list with remove button next to user's name highlighted

Step 4: Done! The user will be removed from the list of admins.

Manage admin list with the user removed

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