How to set up a meeting room

You'll need to be an admin to do this. Find out how to grant admin permissions to a user here.

Step 1: Open the Hot Desk app within Slack.

Image of Hot Desk app within Slack

Step 2: Click "Create space".

Image of Hot Desk app with pointer on button to create a new team space

Step 3: Select "Meeting room" from the dropdown and click "Next"

Image of Hot Desk app showing dropdown for a meeting room

Step 4: Enter the name, location, timezone, and number of people the meeting room is suitable for.

Image of create meeting space form in Hot Desk app

Step 5 (optional): Let your users know about any equipment or features of the meeting room.

Image of create meeting space form in Hot Desk app

Step 6 (optional): Enter the names of users you want to be able to use the space. If you want everyone to use the space skip this step.

Image of permitted users dropdown in Hot Desk app

Step 7: Click "Create".

Image of create space button in Hot Desk app

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